: Good luck to everyone writing #JWST #Cycle4 proposals! #astrodon 🔭🪐

: Opening an email on Friday morning:

: In our new offices, there is a motion sensor which activates the room lights. After about four …

: Limbach+ present The MIRI Exoplanets Orbiting White Dwarfs (MEOW) Survey: Mid-Infrared Excess …

: With astronomy job season approaching, if you’re a PhD or early postdoc, PLEASE make a webpage …

: Sanghi+ on Efficiently Searching for Close-in Companions around Young M Dwarfs using a Multi-year …

: Travis and Hamish Hawk (Ian Curtis via Talking Heads) at #Paradiso last night. Most excellent. …

: Horstman and collaborators go hunting for exomoons in “RV measurements of directly imaged …

: ASASSN-21js: A multi-year transit of a ringed disc Student paper day! I’ve been looking at the light curves that the ASAS-SN survey releases on their …

: Aurora seen over #Leiden right now… you can see a red glow with your night adjusted eyes but the …

: It doesn’t mean much, but I was delighted to see these two ‘likes’ on a social …

: As seen around #Caen

: Currently watching small birds fly in and out from under the eaves, drinking a coffee and reading a …

: I am sensitive to optical aberrations Fortunately it hasn’t impacted my friends and relatives directly, but they know …

: Exocomets in Bern 🔭🪐 #astrodon Last week I was in Bern participating in a Workshop on #exocomets, at the #ISSI on top of the hill …

: Busy week: #ALMA observations of #J1407 just happened, one student let me know they got a PhD …

: The radio dish stood mute in the soft rain. The Visitors had responded to its call, leaving behind …

: I’ve been putting in references into a review paper I’m coauthoring, and the new ADS …

: I ran a splinter session at #Exoplanets5 last week and there was a discussion to have a conference …

: Summer months at high latitudes are the best time for seeing noctilucent clouds: they look like …

: Direct Imagers at #exoplanets5 can be identified in these images taken at two different epochs - …

: Oh, now this is a beautiful introductory tutorial by Tim Brandt on Astrometry as a Tool for …

: For astronomers missing #SPIE by coming to #Leiden for Exoplanets 5, you can get your …

: It’s Exoplanets 5 in #Leiden next week, so I’ll be using the #exo5 hashtag on Bluesky …

: I’ve had a weird bug occasionally appear when keeping my laptop and desktop computer …

: Zieba, Zwintz, Kenworthy++ use the internal Delta Scuti-like pulsation modes (which are very stable) …

: Bonse+ present a new high contrast imaging algorithm “4S - Signal-Safe Speckle …

: Watching the sci-fi film “When Worlds Collide!” and this notice caught my eye in the …

: Oh now THIS is very intriguing! Bernhard and Lloyd with ZTF J185259.31+124955.2: A new evolved …

: Ex-student paper day! Sutlieff et al. (2024) using a gvAPP coronagraph to suppress diffraction from …

: As noted by Arttu Sainio it looks as if #ASASSN-24cf is climbing back to pre-eclipse levels - since …

: One of this morning’s posts on arXiv 🔭 had quite a sobering lede: ☀️☠️ #astrodon

: Limbach+ on “Occurrence Rates of Exosatellites Orbiting 3-30MJup Hosts from 44 Spitzer Light …

: On Friday 12 July in the evening I’ll be giving a talk about “Rocks, Rubble and …

: There’s an old castle in a suburb of #Leiden that I take a walk through, and sometimes the …

: Deal and Espinoza present Spelunker: A quick-look Python pipeline for JWST NIRISS FGS Guide Star …

: Student paper day! Kleisioti+ on “Direct detectability of tidally heated exomoons by …

: Tschudi+ on SPHERE RefPlanets: Search for epsilon Eridani b and warm dust with an absolutely heroic …

: In my astronomy career I have had my foot run over by Stephen Hawking, had Neil deGrasse Tyson come …

: To sell a telescope I’m now blogging at micro.blog which cross posts to my accounts on mattkenworthy@mastodon and …

: Cotton+ have discovered that “Deneb is a Large Amplitude Polarimetric Variable” - …

: Astronomical photographic plates enable time domain science, including searches for transiting …

: Today is #koningsdag here in the Netherlands, and #Leiden is as busy as all the other cities today, …

: A paper by TUD student Allard Veenstra on “A general polarimetric model for transiting and …

: Oh no, they found me!

: Hello world, giving this a try.