Exocomets in Bern 🔭🪐 #astrodon

Last week I was in Bern participating in a Workshop on #exocomets, at the #ISSI on top of the hill behind the University. We discussed chemistry, the number of detections, and what to expect in the next decade or so. I gave a review on detection methods - transit, spectroscopy and maybe direct detection in the not too distant future! I’m interested in setting up ground based observations during the upcoming PLATO mission which will stare at Beta Pictoris for two to three years. This is a unique opportunity to get spectra from the ground during a large exocomet transit towards this famous star.

A panoramic photo of the crowd at the Exocomets meeting. A laptop sits on the lectern in the middle of the photo. The room is white with windows along the left wall.
Matthew Kenworthy @kenworthy